Supporting our parishioners’ daily spiritual practice lies at the core of who we are as clergy and community, and we especially appreciate the opportunity to engage with you for important milestones in your lives.
In the waters of baptism, we are lovingly adopted by God into God’s family, which we call the Church, and we are invited to share in Christ’s own life to and be reminded that nothing can separate us from God’s love. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, which can be performed through pouring of water or immersion in it, marks a formal entrance to the congregation and wider Church. The candidates for the sacrament (and their families and sponsors, in the case of children) make a series of vows, including the affirmations laid out in the Baptismal Covenant, and they are baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are marked as Christ’s own for ever, having “clothed [themselves] with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).
All people of any age are welcome to be baptized. We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, as the “bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 298).
At Grace, we normally celebrate baptisms on the major feast days of the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, the Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Cross (our parish feast day), All Saints’ Sunday, and when one of our bishops is here to celebrate with us, but it is possible to explore Holy Baptism at other times in the church year. Please call the parish office at 770-536-0126 or email the Rev. Higginbotham regarding available dates for Baptism.
In The Episcopal Church, as in other denominations, we place a high value on young adults and adults making a mature affirmation of faith, as The Book of Common Prayer describes. When anyone transfers from another denomination, you may wonder what you need to do regarding Confirmation. Broadly speaking, you do not have to be confirmed to be a “member” of The Episcopal Church; when you share your interest in having this community be your spiritual home, we record the date of your baptism and other information in our records and you are a “member.” To serve on the Vestry, vote at the Annual Meeting, and such, confirmation is required by the canons of the Church.
If you were already confirmed in another denomination, you are Received into The Episcopal Church, and we honor the commitment you have already made while welcoming you fully into this fellowship.
Anyone may also recommit themselves at any time with what is called Reaffirmation.
At the end of the day, whether you are confirmed anew in The Episcopal Church or are received, we all end up fully participating in the life of the Church with our mature affirmation of faith.
Grace typically offers an Inquirer’s/Newcomers class once or twice a year that is perfect for those considering confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in learning more about the next class offered, please be in touch with Fr. Higginbotham
Marriage is the sacramental rite of the church in which two persons “enter into a life-long union, make their vows before God and the Church, and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill their vows” (BCP, p. 861). The union is understood to be intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord (BCP, p. 423). We give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate marriage at any adult age, whether you be studying in college or enjoying retirement. We believe that Holy Matrimony is a witness and an embodiment of God’s love that brings hope to the world.
By getting married in The Episcopal Church, you show your intention to fully participate in the sacramental significance of this moment. The prayers, the music, the blessing, and the vows all weave together in a community that pledges to support you all your lives. That being the case, we are not a wedding venue for outside services; rather, we invite you to discern if your interest in a wedding here may indicate that you have a deeper interest in practicing your faith within The Episcopal Church.
The document linked below lays out some general guidelines for weddings at Grace Church. After reading over it, please email Jessica Voyles, our ministries coordinator, if you are interested in exploring next steps.
An Episcopal memorial service is an Easter liturgy, and we understand this to mean that our hope in God’s love for us is big enough to include the grief we feel at the death of a loved one. Nothing can separate us from God’s love, and celebrate that trust in the Spirit’s power. The liturgical color is white in our services, and the Paschal candle is lit as a visible reminder of Jesus’ resurrection and our hope of life everlasting in Christ. At the Burial of the Dead those who mourn gather for scripture readings, prayers, hymns, and, usually, Holy Communion. By celebrating the Holy Eucharist, we have a foretaste of the heavenly banquet that we all share as the Communion of Saints.
In an effort to streamline the planning of the services—mindful of the pastoral care needed at a time of death—we offer the helpful guideline linked below for funerals at Grace Church. Should you want to hold your loved one’s service here, please let us know. One of our clergy will be happy to meet with you to plan the details of the liturgy.