This homily is #6 in our Lenten sermon series, Essentials of Prayer. Today is the Fifth Sunday in Lent, and, as we look toward beginning Holy Week with Palm Sunday next Sunday, this is the last in this particular sermon series on prayer. Looking back at the prior weeks, we...
This homily is #5 in our Lenten sermon series, Essentials of Prayer. We have looked at prayer in our bodies; prayer in the face of suffering; and prayer as our very life. Today, we look at prayer that reveals, that pulls back the curtain, allowing to us to see the...
This homily is #3 in our Lenten sermon series, Essentials of Prayer. The 1993 movie Shadowlands gave us a glimpse into the incredible love story between the Oxford and Cambridge scholar C. S. Lewis and his wife, the American poet and writer Joy Davidman. They marry first as friends and...
This homily is #2 in our Lenten sermon series, Essentials of Prayer. There is a line from the film The English Patient that rings true for our conversation today, as we gather for prayers on this, the First Sunday in Lent. Today as well, we continue our reflection on prayer...
One of the four focus points for the School for Christian Practice is "Practices of Prayer." By claiming this, we affirm the essential place of prayer in our life as followers of Jesus. Prayer lies at the heart of who we are, yet how we understand prayer is varied, complex--and...
This homily is #1 in our Lenten sermon series, Essentials of Prayer. What does it mean to pray? What is prayer? For something so ubiquitous, seemingly everywhere and so common in our lives, have we truly paused to reflect on just what we mean when we say “I am praying for you,”...