Worship Schedule

Sunday 8:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
nave & online: Facebook/website
Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Compline
online: Zoom
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Eucharist

Sunday mornings at Grace

Find Us

The Grace Church nave is located at the corner of Washington Street and Boulevard in Gainesville, Georgia.

The parish office, open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, is located at 422 Brenau Avenue. Come to the red door that faces Brenau Avenue and ring the bell for access.

Mailing Address: 422 Brenau Avenue, Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: 770-536-0126

Driving Directions & Parking

Email Clergy & Staff

Stations of the Cross

First Station

Jesus is Condemned to Death

We do not know at what point Jesus realized that he was fully God incarnate and that the destination of his human life was his death. Certainly, by the night before the Passover seder that he shared with his disciples, the situation was clear.

Even during his trial, Jesus spoke the truth and revealed the truth in others.

For Reflection

What truth has God revealed to you during this Pandemic? How has God helped you see the truth in your own life?


Have a seat. Put both feet on the ground underneath you. Take a few deep, centering breaths. In order to see truth, we need to be aware of what’s happening around us and within us. So, check in with your senses. What do you see around you? What sounds do you hear? What sensations do you feel (both external and internal)? What can you smell? Can you taste anything? Let yourself be fully present to this moment.

When you’re ready, offer this prayer and move to the next station. map

We adore you, O Christ and we bless you. Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world. Amen.

painting by Ghislaine Howard, used with permission

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