Five youth, Fr. Brandon, Fr. Stuart, and Meg McPeek spent this past weekend in NYC wandering and wondering about God’s work in the world and the call to be co-creators with God.
The trip included visits to the Steven A. Schwarzman Building (New York Public Library), the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Central Park. The group saw SIX the Musical, worshiped at St. James Church and joined them on a service project, and had dinner at Ellen’s Stardust Diner.
Christian Education classes for children, youth, and adults will meet from 9:30 – 10:30 AM most Sundays until May 4. Please note that classes will NOT meet on Sunday, October 27.
Please make plans to be at Grace Church on Sunday, October 27 as we celebrate the ministry of The Rev. Dr. Park.
We will gather for a breakfast reception at 9:00 AM in the parish hall. Following the breakfast, Cynthia will preach at a combined Eucharist at 10:00 AM.
Bring your favorite Thanksgiving side dish or dessert to share and join us in the parish hall on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:00 PM. Grace Church will provide turkey and drinks. We’ll enjoy a feast and each other’s company as we give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.
For planning purposes, please sign up online or before noon on Thursday, November 14.
There is a spot on the sign up form for you to submit text and/or images for a slideshow that will run during the potluck.
If you are newer to Grace and want to explore being confirmed on Sunday, December 8, at 4 PM at the Cathedral of St. Philip, here are a few helpful notes.
Confirmation is encouraged of all of us, as it is a mature affirmation of our faith that honors the work of the Spirit in our lives. If you have never been confirmed, it is a wonderful way to celebrate, sacramentally, your practice of faith. If you were confirmed in another denomination, either as an adult or youth, you can be received into The Episcopal Church. All of this is done at the same service, as we give thanks for how God weaves our lives together.
The Sunday forum spaces are essential to prepare you for this, and here are updates on those classes to help guide you.
I will lead a class on October 20 on how symbols, art, music, etc. help shape the ethos of Episcopal life. We will not have class on October 27 since we have one service that morning. Then, on November 3, All Saints’ Sunday, I will build on our discussion with symbols and metaphor as we look at the liturgical year and cycles of prayer, followed by a couple of Sundays reflecting on polity (structure and community life). I hope you will explore confirmation, and I will begin gathering names of those who wish to share in the service on December 8.
The Georgia Boy singing My God and King by Philip Stopford at Grace Church.
On All Saints’ Day, we pause and remember all the saints who have gone before us, and celebrate our belief in the communion of saints. During services on November 3, 2024, we will read the names of all those from Grace who have died since All Saints’ Day last year.
If you wish to remember loved ones, please share those names, using the online form at the link below, no later than Sunday, October 27.
Each year, the parish community makes a commitment to live into God’s call for our lives, and we embody this participation in our operating budget.
This year, our theme is “Behold Who You Are,” a beautiful reminder from the liturgy of the Eucharist: “Behold who you are, the body of Christ. May we become what we receive.” This serves as an invitation for us to reflect on how we are called to embody Christ’s presence in the world.
Pledge cards have been mailed to member households and are available at the church. You also have the option to submit your pledge for 2025 online at the link below.
A Diocesan Confirmation service for Confirmation will be held at the Cathedral of St. Philip on December 8. Please contact Fr. Stuart or Fr. Brandon if you are interested in being confirmed at that service.
Look ahead to upcoming opportunities for prayer, worship, and community!
We invite you to explore the podcast on Spotify (or your podcast app of choice) or here on this website!
This post highlights events and news of the parish. For full news, we invite you to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.