Worship Schedule

Sunday 8:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
nave & online: Facebook/website
Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Compline
online: Zoom
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Eucharist

Sunday mornings at Grace

Find Us

The Grace Church nave is located at the corner of Washington Street and Boulevard in Gainesville, Georgia.

The parish office, open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, is located at 422 Brenau Avenue. Come to the red door that faces Brenau Avenue and ring the bell for access.

Mailing Address: 422 Brenau Avenue, Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: 770-536-0126

Driving Directions & Parking

Email Clergy & Staff

Weekly News

Date Posted: April 1, 2022

News April 3-9

Palm Cross Making

Everyone is invited to make palm crosses in the Parish Hall on Sunday, April 3 from 9:30 – 10:30 AM. This inter-generational activity will be our Christian Education class for the day, no other classes will meet.

Members of DOK will be available with instructions so that everyone, including those of us who have done this before, can learn/remember how to make them. Please bring a pair of scissors with you, and mark them so you’ll get the same pair back.

There will be an additional activity available for younger children, who may have difficulty making palm crosses. Please join us!

Update on Common Cup

You may have heard from other parishes that the bishop has now left it to the discretion of rectors, working with their leadership teams, to bring back the common cup during our Eucharist services. The common cup has been a vital symbolic element of our Holy Communion, and we have all missed it—even as we have understood the need to refrain from sharing it during worship.

After meeting with key worship leaders and the vestry, the consensus is that it is too early to bring it back at this point in our life. So, I am keeping our current pattern of using the small cups for the time being. As we look further into the spring, and even summer, it may become clearer that the community feels more comfortable with sharing the chalice. As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the wardens.


Easter Flowers

Thursday, April 7 is the deadline to make contributions to our Easter flower fund in thanksgiving for or in memory of loved ones, friends and family. Notice of your donation will be included in the worship bulletin on Easter Sunday.

If you would like to make an offering, please submit both the online form and your donation on or before the deadline.

Caregiver Support Group Begins April 5

Alzheimer’s Association Georgia sponsors a Caregiver Support Group that will begin meeting in the Grace Church parlor on the first Tuesday of each month from 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Alzheimer’s Association® support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for people living with dementia and their care partners to: develop a support system, exchange practical information on challenges and possible solutions, talk through issues and ways of coping, share feelings, needs and concerns, and learn about community resources. The group is open to all. Contact Darlene Hauserman with questions or visit www.alz.org/georgia to learn more about caregiver programs and resources.

Soap and Detergent Needed

We are pleased to be partnering with the Hispanic Alliance-GA in supporting those most in need in our Hispanic Community here in Gainesville. Currently there is a need for bar soap and detergent (any kind) for over 100 families. If you are willing to help, you may drop off your items at church anytime before Sunday, April 10 and we will deliver them to the Alliance. Thank you so much.

Save the Date

Look ahead to upcoming opportunities for prayer, worship, and community!

This post highlights events and news of the parish. For full news, we invite you to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.