This page was our primary landing spot for worship, prayer, formation, and community during the pandemic. We continue to use this space for the purpose of staying connected to one another and to Grace from home!
Sundays, 10:45 AM
The 10:45 service is held in the nave and streamed to Facebook and this website.
The order of service is typically uploaded each Thursday.
Tuesdays, 8:00 PM
Compline happens on Zoom Tuesdays at 8:00 PM. The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end. Amen.
The following services will be streamed. Worship bulletins available a few days prior to each service.
The media player below will only show live broadcasts. To watch services after they are over, visit our Watch Live & On Demand page. Services are also streamed to Facebook.
The Soul Work book club meets on Zoom [Meeting ID: 897 7425 9670, Passcode: 254002], on the fourth Sunday of each month, at 7 PM. Our conversations focus on the deep work of the soul, how we make meaning in the world.
The opportunity to greet newcomers and visitors to Grace Episcopal Church is important to us! If you have recently visited us in person, through an online class or worship service, or even just by browsing around our website, we invite you to fill out an online welcome card so we may share additional information about who we are and what we have to offer. We are glad you are here!
Please send in your contributions and pledges, as you are able, in one of the three ways listed below. If you find yourself struggling–financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically–please let us know.
If you have any questions or need help contact Reba Page for assistance. Thank you for continuing to support Grace Episcopal Church.