The people of Grace Episcopal Church welcome you! It would be our pleasure to have you worship with us or join us for a special event. If you are new to our community, or already settled and looking for a church home, we invite you to come visit. Focused on worship, formation, and outreach, we are an active and vital community of faith.
We would love for you to join us for an in-person or virtual worship service or formation gathering. Please visit our Grace@Home page for information and links to online offerings. We also invite you to fill out an online welcome card so we may share additional information about who we are and what we have to offer. We are glad you are here!
We look forward to welcoming visitors and newcomers to Grace Church with some of the offerings below!
Grace offers an Inquirer’s/Newcomers class once or twice a year on Sunday mornings. The class is a basic introductory conversation around the history of The Episcopal Church, liturgy and worship, pastoral life, and the richness of prayer. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Grace Church in particular (if you are coming from another Episcopal Church) or to “translate” your own spiritual background into this new spiritual community (if you are coming from another denomination, etc.). The Inquirer/Newcomer class is also perfect for those considering confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in learning more about the next class offered, please be in touch with Fr. Higginbotham.
If you have recently visited Grace Episcopal Church but not yet filled out a Welcome/Visitor Card (located in the pews), we invite you to do so online. We’d like to greet you and make you feel more comfortable by sharing additional information about what Grace Church can offer and by answering any questions you may have.
Every so often we plan fun social gatherings specifically for newcomers. These might be garden parties, donuts in the parish hall between services, or Sunday luncheons. We enjoy these opportunities to welcome you and further assist you in getting acclimated at Grace. Watch our newsletter for announcements.