Blessing of Animals Grace Episcopal Church and the Humane Society of Northeast Georgia invite you and your pets to a Blessing of Animals on Saturday, October 5 at 4:00 PM. Held each year near the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, the service provides not...
Be Thou My Vision: a 20/20 stewardship campaign Our annual stewardship campaign has officially kicked off. This year's theme, Be Thou My Vision: a 20/20 stewardship campaign, encourages us to look more closely at the vision we share and the way we are called to participate in God's vision for...
Last month, I went for my annual eye exam with Dr. Tom Rossi. It was his last week in the office before retirement, so I was glad to see him-for many reasons. During my exam, he told me that my vision had slightly improved. Apparently, this can happen with folks...
Parish Feast Day This Sunday, we will observe our annual parish feast day: the Feast of the Holy Cross. Each year on this day, we offer a time for folks to walk onto the chancel and view and touch a stone embedded in our altar. The stone, carved in the...
With the kick off of our Formation Year, we thought it might be a good time to refresh the parish about some key information with regard to prayer concerns, pastoral emergencies, and way-finding through the channels to make sure we know how best to minister to each of you. Contacting...
Newcomer Luncheon Newcomers are invited to a Newcomer's Luncheon with a Greek theme immediately following the 10:45 AM service on Sunday, September 15 in the Parish Hall. This is our opportunity to welcome you, answer any questions you may have, and further assist you in getting acclimated into the life...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from September 1, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, at the link below. Our seminarian, Edgar Otero, gave the homily, which begins at about...
Sunday, September 1 There will be no Christian Education classes and no Children's Chapel on Sunday, September 1. Parish Office Closed The parish office will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 2. Yoga Yoga classes will not meet on Monday, September 2. Dinner & Bowl Painting...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from August 25, the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, at the link below. The Rev. Mary Demmler gave the homily, which begins at about...
Foyers Deadline Foyers groups are forming now! Sign up online or at the information station no later than Sunday, August 25. Last Summer Pick Up Choir All Grace Church adults and youth (6th-12th grade), are invited to join our last summer pick-up choir on August 25. No experience or previous...