We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from Sunday, October 27 at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham gave the homily, which begins at about 21:39 of the...
Trunk or Treat & The Varsity Trunk or Treat returns to Grace on Wednesday, October 30 at 5:30 PM. All are invited to wear costumes, collect candy, and play a game or two. In addition, our Grace Church youth plan to create a preschool-age appropriate "scary room" in room 115...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from Sunday, October 20 at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Park gave the homily, which begins at about 23:56 of the...
The Parish Photography Project Over the course of the year, the Diocese of Atlanta has been conducting photo shoots across the diocese in order to expand their collective catalog of images as well as to provide professional, high-quality photographs for parishes to use on websites, newsletters, bulletins, printed brochures, and...
As we look toward our "goal" of having pledges returned by All Saints' Sunday, November 3, I was led to make this little reflection. I took a long walk up to the library, returned home, sat down at my grandparents' patio table, and recorded these thoughts. I hope you take...
Be Thou My Vision Our stewardship campaign for 2020 continues the rest of this month, with videos posted on our website and special messages on selected Sunday mornings. We hope you've had a chance to reflect on how God is calling you to share in this incredible community! Pledge cards...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from Sunday, October 6 at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Park gave the homily, which begins at about 28:54 of the...
Book Signing & Conversation Fr. Stuart is a co-editor and contributor to the newly published volume Contemplation and Community: A Gathering of Fresh Voices for a Living Tradition. Grace Church will hold a special afternoon reading, signing, and conversation on Sunday, October 6 at 3:00 PM in the Parish Hall....
During this year's annual stewardship campaign, we are exploring the image of vision. What do we see? What are our blind spots? How is our perspective broadened as a spiritual community as we catch glimpses of God's grace among us and within us? To help imagine this reality, I am...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from September 29 at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham gave the homily, which begins at about 24:40 of the audio...