Dear People of Grace, I am sending this video to you with updates about our proposed first gathering for small group worship in the nave on Sunday, July 19. In the video, you will find broad outlines for this next phase of our common life. More details are forthcoming next...
Recent events in our community, our nation, and around the world have many of us asking lots of questions about race and racism and justice. Questions like: How do we talk to our children about racism and civil unrest? How do we live into our baptismal promises to 'strive for...
You should know I had an entirely different sermon written for today, but yesterday I really struggled to know what to say right now. The original words I had crafted so carefully, with quotes by Meister Eckhart that weaved with the encounter between Abraham and the strangers at the Oakes...
Two Service Format Continues Last week Grace Church returned to offering two services every Sunday morning! The 9:00 AM service meets on Zoom for worship and connection. Readers rotate through, signing on from their homes. The clergy who officiates the service will log in from somewhere in the church building....
Last week, Stuart mentioned that we had tried to compose a prayer that captured the wide range of hurt and frustration we felt in the light of current events in our country. And, then, we remembered “A Prayer for the Whole Human Family,” that exquisite intercession from the Book of...
Dear People of Grace, I spent the evening and morning in prayer, and I wanted to send this video to you after talking with the wardens and staff. In these unprecedented times, with ongoing pressure with the pandemic, with so many having lost jobs, we also find ourselves called to...
Two Services Beginning This Sunday Morning Prayer will be held on Zoom at 9:00 AM and at 10:45 AM on Facebook Live beginning this Sunday, June 7! The 9:00 AM service will continue its focus on connection and pastoral relationship. Anyone can log on to Zoom as we have been...
We are beginning to look at next steps for small groups to meet in the nave for worship, potentially later this summer. In order to manage the many details around this next step, we need to know how many are actually looking to return in person when that time comes....
Last week, I made my first pastoral visit in two months. Two months. I had to get special permission from the bishop to go and visit Ann Beadling in the nursing home wing of Lanier Village. Yes, I had to get permission to go visit both because of the risk...
Pentecost at Home This Sunday, May 31, is the Feast of Pentecost. It's the time we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and wonder what she's up to today in our world and in our lives. Click the button below for more about Pentecost and suggested ways to celebrate...