Telling Our Story: The 2021 Stewardship Campaign Earlier this week, the staff worked to mail out stewardship packets to the entire parish, with the hopes that we all can prayerfully consider how we can support our shared ministry in 2021. There is no doubt that this year has been a...
Blessing of Animals This Sunday, October 4, Grace Church will bless our pets and give thanks for the many blessings we receive through our pets and other animals. There will be a drive-through blessing from 4:30 - 5:45 PM under the porte-cochere along Boulevard. All are welcome but we do...
Your Pet Photos Wanted Our annual Blessing of Animals will be Sunday, October 4 and we would love to share a photo of your pet(s) prior to the start of the live-stream service and also on our social media that day. Send your favorite photo, along with your pet's name,...
Dear People of Grace, I woke up the other morning with this meditation floating around my head and heart. During this tumultuous season, I think we are being called, even more deeply, to practice our prayer, to share in compassion, and to listen to the Gospel's call to empty ourselves...
Telling Our Story Our annual stewardship campaign, Telling Our Story, is underway! When making your pledge to the mission and ministry of Grace Church for 2021 we invite you to also share a brief story of your life during these days. How do our stories weave together and open our...
When I was a young child, I would sit next to my grandmother in church. We sat on the second pew on "the piano side" of the small country church, and I would look in her Bible case to get peppermint candy during the service--especially when the preacher went on...
Thanks to all who came to our Town Hall Zoom meeting last Thursday! The recording is now available for on demand viewing for those unable to attend. Please let us know if you have any questions!
During these last few months, I have had the chance to go back through my library and pick out titles to read. It is interesting which books stand out to me now, which ones seem to call out to be read during these days. One such work was a fascinating...
Feast of the Holy Cross This Sunday, September 13, we will observe our annual parish feast day: the Feast of the Holy Cross. Each year on this day we typically offer a time for folks to walk onto the chancel and view and touch a stone embedded in our altar....
Following the recent guidelines from the bishop’s office, I am happy to share that I will begin hosting prayer pilgrimages in the nave for small group, in-person gatherings! Each Tuesday and Thursday*, beginning September 15, I will be on hand in the nave for small groups of eight to gather...