Will Gotmer to Play at Cathedral Will Gotmer will play a short livestreamed recital at the Cathedral of St. Philip on Sunday, November 22 at 3:15 PM. The Cathedral typically does weekly services of Evensong at 4:00 PM on Sundays preceded by an organ recital. During the pandemic there hasn’t...
Stewardship Pledges Needed by November 15 In order for the Finance Committee and Vestry to do the preliminary budget work for 2021, we ask that everyone return their pledges by Sunday, November 15. Pledge forms were mailed to every household and can be printed from our website. Forms can also...
Dear People of Grace, We find ourselves in an intense situation, with challenges on one hand and enormous potential on the other. How do we understand ourselves as "the church" in the midst of this extraordinary time of potential? It is no secret that the institutional church has been struggling...
Readers Needed for Eucharist Service Readers are needed for our 9:30 AM outdoor service of Holy Eucharist. If you are interested in reading lessons or the prayers of the people, please contact Fr. Stuart. (You will need to also register for the service.) Stewardship Pledges Needed by November 15 In...
Lavon was 19 years old when he married his sweetheart, Oreece in 1943, in the tense days of World War II. Not long after they married, he shipped out to Ft. Hood in Texas for basic training, along with his best friend, Norman. He and Norman had grown up together...
Celebrating the Feast of All Saints Come be reminded that our connection with one another transcends the limits of physical death, as we mark the Feast of All Saints' this Sunday, November 1, at all three services. more information Time Changes This Sunday Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 AM...
All Saints' Day has fallen on November 1 in the Catholic and Western Christian tradition for 1,300 years. Interestingly, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is observed the Sunday after Pentecost (when we celebrate Trinity Sunday). It is a major feast of the Christian Church, and this year we have...
Prayer Stations for the Election Season Grace Church's Stations of the Cross for Pandemic Days has been transformed into Prayer Stations for the Election Season. "Being a Christian is not essentially about joining a church or being a nice person, but about following in the footsteps of Jesus, taking his...
Holy Communion Resumes Holy Eucharist resumes this Sunday, October 18! Services will be held outdoors on our new Sanctuary Plaza (or under the covered walkways near the narthex and parish hall if raining) Sundays at 9:30 AM and Wednesdays at 12:00 PM. Each Sunday and Wednesday, as long as we...
Dear People of Grace, Some seven months ago, on Sunday, March 8, we last celebrated Holy Communion together. These past several months have been a truly extraordinary time, filled with both grief and frustration as well as opportunity for focused, inner work. I have come to see an even deeper...