One of the four focus points for the School for Christian Practice is "Practices of Prayer." By claiming this, we affirm the essential place of prayer in our life as followers of Jesus. Prayer lies at the heart of who we are, yet how we understand prayer is varied, complex--and...
This homily is #1 in our Lenten sermon series, Essentials of Prayer. What does it mean to pray? What is prayer? For something so ubiquitous, seemingly everywhere and so common in our lives, have we truly paused to reflect on just what we mean when we say “I am praying for you,”...
On Palm Sunday we recall Jesus’ return to Jerusalem, and share the moments that took him from the gates of Jerusalem to the cross. This year, we’d like to invite you to help us share that story! We’re asking folks to make a video of one scene each and we’ll...
Ash Wednesday We will observe the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday service on February 17 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. The liturgy we share will be amended to emphasize the context we find ourselves in, with an option to place ashes on family member's foreheads--or our own. The...
The Annual Parish Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church in its 193rd year was held on Wednesday, February 10 via Zoom. Following is a link to the annual report, a recording of the meeting, and a copy of the remarks made by the Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham, which includes vestry election...
There may be two images that capture me as a young child. One is me tending the fire at the deer camp while others go hunting early in the morning. I didn’t want to hunt; I wanted to keep the fire going. It gave me time to be alone with...
In the opening book study for the School for Christian Practice at Grace, we began exploring the image or practice of pilgrimage, of how the Holy Spirit is always on the move--and how we are called to share in this movement in our own practice of faith. It is difficult...
Annual Parish Meeting Our Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled this Wednesday, February 10 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Come hear key reports of parish business and learn who the parish has elected as our four new vestry members. Annual Parish Meeting Order of Worship & Business Return Completed Ballots Vestry...
Annual Meeting & Vestry Election Our Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. A link will be posted online and made available in the newsletter. Also, don't forget that the parish will elect four new vestry members from a slate of eight. The...
Ballots and Bios Mailed The election of the vestry is a pivotal moment in the life of a parish community. The twelve people you choose as your vestry take their place in partnership with the rector and staff to provide for the life of the entire community. Information about our...