Explore a Contemplative Summit for Advent! As we prepare to step into the Advent season, I want to invite you to explore this fantastic resource as a retreat space that can nurture your practice of prayer. This year's first Contemplative Summit features reflections by insightful and diverse teachers and retreat...
Pageant Rehearsals Beginning this Sunday, children and youth will be using the Christian Education hour to prepare for this year’s pageant. If your child or youth is interested in being a part of the pageant (particularly a speaking role) please make plans to be present. We'll meet in the youth...
Thanksgiving Potluck Bring your favorite Thanksgiving side dish to share (savory or sweet) and join us in the parish hall this Tuesday, November 14 at 6:00 PM. Grace Church will provide turkey and drinks. Come enjoy delicious food and each other’s company as we give thanks for our parish community....
Choral Evensong Join us for an Evensong for The Feast of All Saints this Sunday, November 5, at 4:00 PM. Sung at the close of day in Cathedrals and churches all over the world, Choral Evensong focuses on the ancient practice of singing evening prayers. The congregation listens, joins in...
Holy Living and Holy Dying The deadline to register for “Holy Living, Holy Dying” is noon on Wednesday, November 1. This offering of The Center for Prayer and Spiritual Practice will be facilitated by the Revs. Mary Hemmer and Cynthia Park on Saturday November 4 from 10 AM - 2...
Fall Festival COG preschool and Grace Church invite you to a fall festival on Friday, October 27 from 5:00 until 7:00 PM. There will be a family friendly double-feature movie in the parish hall, food and snacks, a bounce house, face painting, a photo booth, and a children's book fair....
Together, We Are Grace Each year, the parish community makes a commitment to live into God’s call for our lives, and we embody this participation in our operating budget. We have reached the halfway point in this year's stewardship campaign, and are at 37% of our pledge goal for the...
Choral Concert: Orpheus Men's Ensemble Grace Church Friends of Music welcomes the Orpheus Men’s Ensemble on Sunday, October 8 at 4:00 PM. Concert is free; a reception will follow in the parish hall. (Please note that we are unable to provide a livestream for this concert.) Founded in 2015, the...
Blessing of Animals Grace Episcopal Church invites you and your pets to a Blessing of Animals this Sunday, October 1, at 4:00 PM. Pets/domestic animals of all shapes and sizes are welcome, but please provide the appropriate restraint for any animal you bring. Weather permitting, we will gather for the...
Women's Retreat Registration Open The women of Grace Church will enjoy a weekend of rejoicing, reflection, and renewal January 12-14, 2024 at the Montreat Retreat and Conference Center in Montreat, North Carolina. The Rev. Mary R. Hemmer will again be our keynote speaker and the theme is “The Life You...