Coro Vocati in Concert Grace Church Friends of Music welcomes Coro Vocati on Sunday, April 14 at 4:00 PM. Their spring concert, Journey Together, explores key themes that make up the human experience and tie us together, like friendship, sorrow, love and loss. Concert is free; a reception will follow...
Second Sunday of Easter Guest Choir Grace Church welcomes The University of North Georgia Chorale to lead music at the 10:45 AM service on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 7. The choir is directed by Dr. Lauren Ringwall. No Children's Chapel Children's Chapel will not meet on Sunday, April...
Easter The Great Vigil on Saturday evening is the pivotal service that symbolically marks the transition of Jesus Christ from death to life, with the celebration continuing on Easter Day. Follow the links for details of our Easter services.. We invite you to join us – all are welcome! Holy Saturday Easter Day...
Holy Week & Easter We begin Holy Week at Grace Church on Palm Sunday with a commemoration of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and reading of the Passion Gospel. On Maundy Thursday we will wash feet and celebrate the institution of what we have come to see as the Holy Eucharist. On Good Friday we commemorate...
Children's Sermon This Sunday! Rather than being dismissed for Children’s Chapel on Sunday, March 17 at the 10:45 AM service, Fr. Stuart will invite the children forward during the sermon for a special reflection on the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Palm Cross Making All are invited to join the DOK...
Community Food Pantry The Community Food Pantry is asking for donations of food to supplement the supplies we have in our pantry. We are especially low on peanut butter, canned tuna fish, boxed dry cereal and boxed dried pasta. We will collect these items at until March 13. Items can...
Evensong Join us at Grace for an Evensong for the Season of Lent on Sunday, March 3 at 4:00 PM. Sung at the close of day in Cathedrals and churches all over the world, Choral Evensong focuses on the ancient practice of singing evening prayers. The Grace Church parish choir...
Registration Deadline: Power of Presence Retreat Friday, March 1 is the deadline to register for our March 9 retreat, The Power of Presence: Nurturing a Community of Compassion in Challenging Times. This retreat will feature interfaith leaders from the community, incredible art, poetry, music, and reflections on the power of...
Bible Study Resumes Monday The Monday morning Bible Study will resume on February 19! Join the Rev. Dr. Park for a three week study to explore Field and Stream: Biblical Stories of Hunting and Fishing. The study will begin with a look at biblical references to “sea monsters”. We will...
Ash Wednesday We will observe the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday services on February 14 at 12:00 PM in the nave and 7:00 PM in the nave and online. The service will feature music (at 7:00 PM), prayers, a sermon, the Litany of Penitence, and the Imposition of Ashes....