Update Following the Storm We continue to hold the wider community in our prayers as so many recover from wind and water damage. Others are without power, and who knows how long the recovery will take for some. Let us give thanks to God for the relative safety we share,...
Franklin Pond String Quartet Grace Church Friends of Music welcomes the Franklin Pond String Quartet this Sunday, September 22, at 4:00 PM. The program:Divertimento No. 3 K. 138, MozartQuartet Op. 18, No. 5 BeethovenQuartet No. 2, Florence Price“Chrysantemums”, PucciniBharatanatyam, Samuel Viguerie Concert is free; a reception will follow. The Franklin...
Parish Feast Day We will observe our annual parish feast day: the Feast of the Holy Cross this Sunday, September 15. CE classes will not meet and there will be one combined service, at 10:00 AM! We will take a new parish family photo (see previous photos) in the nave at the end...
CE Kicks Off September 8 Join us Sunday, September 8 as we kick off the new program year at Grace! Christian Education classes for children, youth, and adults will meet from 9:30 – 10:30 AM most Sundays until May 4. exceptions this fall are September 15, October 13, and October...
Prayer Yoga Prayer Yoga will not on Monday, September 2. Parish Office The parish office will be closed on Monday, September 2. Eucharist at Lanier Village Estates Beginning this Tuesday, September 3, the regular Grace Eucharist at Lanier Village Estates will move to the first and third Tuesdays of each...
Join the Parish Choir We'd love to have you be a part of the Grace Choir this next season. Our first rehearsal is Wednesday, August 28. A Welcome Back Gathering begins at 6:30 PM in the greeting area with a few snacks and drinks. Rehearsal will follow at 7 PM...
Sundays in August CE Classes at Grace don't start until September 8 but we are offering a series of special events during the formation hour (9:30 - 10:30 AM) on Sundays in August. The gathering on August 18 will focus on the nave and liturgical spaces with Fr. Stuart and...
Sundays in August CE Classes at Grace don't start until September 8 but we are offering a series of special events during the formation hour (9:30 - 10:30 AM) on Sundays in August. This Sunday, August 11, clergy and some staff will offer guided tours throughout the building. We will...
Sundays in August CE Classes at Grace don't start until September 8 but we are offering a series of special events during the formation hour (9:30 - 10:30 AM) on Sundays in August. This Sunday, August 4, join us for light pastries, juice, and coffee in the Parish Hall and...
Backpack Blessing The new school year begins soon for many of our parishioners! We invite students, teachers, and school staff of all ages to bring your backpack/satchel/tote to be blessed during the 10:45 AM service this Sunday, July 28. Youth Pilgrimage: ‘Art and the Sacred’ Rising 9th-12th graders are invited...