Easter Day A Festival Holy Eucharist will be held at 9:00 AM and again at 11:00 AM. Both services will feature special music from the choir and instrumentalists and will continue our joyful celebration of the Resurrection of Christ! 9:00 AM Festival Holy Eucharist10:00 AM Breakfast11:00 AM Festival Holy Eucharist@12:15...
A Fresh Holy Week & Easter This morning on my walk my mind and heart went back to the hard days of Easter in 2020 and 2021. What surreal times those were. I remembered talking with so many folks as we said to each other, "I miss being able to...
Palm Cross Making Everyone is invited to make palm crosses in the Parish Hall on Sunday, April 3 from 9:30 – 10:30 AM. This inter-generational activity will be our Christian Education class for the day, no other classes will meet. Members of DOK will be available with instructions so that...
Caring for the Caregiver With 53 million adults in the United States being caregivers who face physical, financial, and emotional demands, it is essential that there is support for this largely unrecognized group. On Sunday afternoon, March 27 at 2:00 PM, Community of Hope International (COHI), together with Grace, will...
Grounding Parish Ministry in Prayer Parish Ministry has been tough these past two years! These circumstances have highlighted long-standing tensions—and opportunities—in congregational life. Older patterns and assumptions have been challenged and new glimpses of grace have been seen. Through it all, perhaps we have learned how essential it is to...
Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 13. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead an hour! Prayer & Parchment Prayer and Parchment is a monthly space that explores our practice of prayer and texts and resources that we have found meaningful in our...
Lenten Retreat: Mindfulness in the Kitchen Join us on Saturday, March 12 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM for conversation, sharing, and even a little cooking as we explore the prayers and meditations that naturally flow when we practice mindfulness in the kitchen. For those who sign up, I want...
Ash Wednesday We will observe the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday services on March 2. 12:00 PM nave7:00 PM nave and online: Facebook, website The services will feature prayers, a sermon, the Litany of Penitence, and the Imposition of Ashes. Let us focus our prayers in these days as...
Fellowship Breakfast Christian Education classes will not meet on Sunday, February 20. Instead, parishioners of all ages are invited to gather for fellowship and breakfast in the parish hall from 9:30 - 10:30 AM! We'll enjoy mini pastries, fresh seasonal fruit, and breakfast casseroles: spinach and cheese, sausage and bacon,...
Healing Images of God The School for Christian Practice will meet at 6:00 PM on Sunday, February 13 for continued discussion of how our image of God affects and shapes our image of ourselves and one another. Healing Images of God Zoom T3: Thirsty Third Tuesday The T3 men's group...