Feast of the Holy Cross This Sunday, September 13, we will observe our annual parish feast day: the Feast of the Holy Cross. Each year on this day we typically offer a time for folks to walk onto the chancel and view and touch a stone embedded in our altar....
Following the recent guidelines from the bishop’s office, I am happy to share that I will begin hosting prayer pilgrimages in the nave for small group, in-person gatherings! Each Tuesday and Thursday*, beginning September 15, I will be on hand in the nave for small groups of eight to gather...
Town Hall Meeting Please plan to join us for a special parish informational meeting on Thursday, September 10 at 6:30 PM. We will gather on Zoom for a time of presentation and information as we discuss this year's Stewardship ministry, formation updates, and communication platforms. We will also use the...
Welcome Back COG Children of Grace started school August 17 and the teachers are smiling ear to ear behind their masks! Our hearts have not been this full since March! The hallways and classrooms are once again full of happy noise and all the children have settled in to the...
A Special Renewal of Baptismal Vows This coming Sunday, we will share in a special renewal of our baptismal vows during both the 9:00 AM Zoom service and the 10:45 AM live stream. I had this idea after spending time with the incredible text from Romans 12 that is appointed...
This fall, Cynthia will take her sabbatical break, and I wanted to write with a few key details as we prepare for this time. If you are not aware, the broader Episcopal Church strongly encourages clergy to take a three-month sabbatical break after six years of ministry. It is a...
School Blessing Sunday We’re making plans to honor the return to school this fall, in whatever form it takes! Please join us Sunday, August 16 during the 10:45 service as we seek God’s blessings on all those returning to school and all the people and resources (including backpacks!) that make...
A Prayer of Examen The prayer of Examen, developed by Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits) in the 1500s, is a practice of examining your day using a series of guiding questions. Regular practice can help us notice the presence and action of God in our daily lives, and...
Youth Sunday School Youth in grades 6-12 will be using Tim Sean Youmans’ Blessed to Bless: An Introduction to the Bible as our curriculum for Sunday School this fall. Learn More Formation This Fall Please be on the lookout in the next week or so for a brief survey regarding...
Stations of the Cross for Pandemic Days The Stations of the Cross are a deeply powerful practice that asks us to bring our whole selves–the grief, the confusion, the searching–and lay it alongside the journey Jesus took in his own great moments of suffering. A unique Stations of the Cross...