Sunday Forum for Lent Please join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM in the parish hall during Lent to explore Forty Days - a Lenten series by The Work of The People. Using this beautiful video series, we are reading a series of poems about Lent and Holy Week designed...
Art Show Opening Reception Join us for coffee and dessert at the opening reception of the Grace Member Art Show on Wednesday, March 20 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. The show, which will feature a variety of artistic mediums; including paintings, mixed media, photography, and fabric and 3D art to...
Daylight Saving Time It's time to Spring Forward! Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 10. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Sunday Forum for Lent Please join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM in...
Sunday Forum Our Sunday Forum conversation on civil discourse continues this Sunday, March 3. We will connect the pieces we have explored, from Thomas Keating's reflections, to the Welcoming Practice with Cynthia Bourgeault and others, to Howard Thurman, and Don's experiences. These are vital conversations for us to explore together...
New Class for Parents: Loving Your Kids on Purpose! Join Callie and Kevin Flack as they lead a new class for parents based on Danny Silk's Loving your Kids on Purpose. We'll learn more together about how to bring the principles of the Kingdom of God into our strategies as...
The Prayerful Groundwork of Civil Discourse Join me in a new Rector’s Sunday Forum beginning January 27 as we explore the way practices of prayer ground our engagement in civil discourse. I will be helping lead the upcoming Lansing Lee Conference at Kanuga Conference Center March 22 to 24, where...
A Retreat with Phileena Heurtz Come share in a special retreat as we welcome Phileena Heuertz, author of Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation on Saturday, January 12 from 9:00 AM- 2:00 PM in the parish hall. Phileena will reflect on her book, inviting us to consider what it...