COG Preschool Registration Registration for the 2025-2026 school year at COG opens this Wednesday, January 22 at 8 AM! Join us next year as we build upon another year of small class sizes, so every child is met where they are academically as well as socially and emotionally. Watch our...
Vestry Election Online voting for the 2025 vestry election is open and we will announce the four new vestry members at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 2. The eight nominees are: Jim Bradley, Jo Brewer, Bob Byrne, Darlene Hauserman, Gary Lawrence, Raymond Smith, Jason Voyles, and Jeff Whalen. You can...
Second Sunday after Christmas We will return to our full Sunday schedule on January 5, the Second Sunday after Christmas. Join us for Rite I Eucharist at 8:15 AM, Christian Education classes at 9:30 AM, and Rite II Eucharist with carols at 10:45 AM. Children’s Chapel will be held during...
Christmas Worship Schedule Christmas Eve: Tuesday, December 24 Our family friendly service at 4 PM will feature a pageant that will serve as The Liturgy of the Word, followed by Holy Communion. A special musical prelude, featuring our young artists, will precede the service. Our traditional Midnight Mass at 10...
Messiah Sing Along The fourth annual Messiah Sing Along at Grace Church is Sunday, December 15 at 3:00 PM. Come listen to professional soloists Caroline Brent-Chessum, soprano; Emily Skilling, mezzo-soprano; Jonathan Pilkington, tenor; and Benjamin Schoening, bass, sing the arias. Then stand to join your voices together for the choruses....
Advent Lessons & Carols Advent Lessons & Carols will be offered during the 10:45 AM service on Sunday, December 8. This beautiful service, an Anglican tradition, is meant to help us prepare for Christmas. Scripture will be read and Advent carols will be sung by the choir and congregation. Blood...
Advent Wreath Making On Sunday, December 1, parishioners of all ages are invited to come make Advent wreaths together from 9:30-10:30 AM in the Parish Hall. There is no need to sign up. Wreath forms will be available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. One wreath per household...
Artwork for Christmas Bulletins Grace Church is again inviting members of the parish to submit original artwork depicting the nativity for us to share in worship bulletins and on social media during the Christmas season. We would love to feature art by adults, youth, and children of the parish. Please...
Thanksgiving Potluck We ordered a little extra turkey for the Thanksgiving potluck, so if you missed the chance to sign up and still want to attend we'd love to have you. Bring a side dish or dessert to share and join us in the parish hall on Tuesday, November 19...
Thanksgiving Potluck If you plan to attend the Thanksgiving potluck, please sign up by noon on Thursday, November 14 so we know how much turkey to order! We'll have a slideshow running during our meal highlighting some of the things we are thankful for. So be sure to submit your...