It seems these days, that so much of our lives swirl around us, with tensions, pressures and questions about how to make meaning. It is our spiritual practices that help us stay grounded and reorient our hearts toward the presence of God. That is what brings us hope and peace....
The recent arrival of massive artificial intelligence in our culture has popularized the notion of algorithms that capture our interests and then curates our newsfeeds, the advertisements we receive, the music that we hear so that suddenly we are living in an echo chamber of our own likes and prejudices....
To be in relationship can be hard! We have circles in our lives in which we learn and grow through both the joys and hardships of being human. This sermon calls for a commitment to relationship, recognizing that while brokenness and separation will most definitely occur, God's intention is for...
How can we explore the importance of maintaining one's spiritual "saltiness" through consistent faith practices, especially during uncertain and stressful times? Our practice of faith encourages us to embrace Christian maturity by integrating our beliefs into daily life, rather than seeking instant gratification or viewing faith as a mere obligation....
In the face of his disciples arguing amongst themselves which of them was the ‘greatest’, Jesus takes a child into his arms and redirects the disciples’ attention away from egoic posturing to the simple but radical act of welcoming the least among us in the name of Christ. The Glimpses...
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Cross, which is our parish feast day. What can we learn from the cross as a symbol of our practice of faith? How does the cross nurture our sense of connection with God and one another, with both the vertical and horizontal...
In the face of societal division and violence, it can be difficult to make meaning. Thankfully we are able to draw wisdom from Proverbs and the Epistle of James. Centered around the metaphor of the table, this sermon invites the listener to engage in healing a broken world, embodying God's...
In this first conversation between Meg, Brandon, and Stuart, we reflect on our hopes and dreams for our ongoing conversations around how we make meaning in the world and nurture our spiritual lives. What does discipleship look like today, with the challenges and anxiety we encounter? What sources do we...
It can be so easy to focus on our circumstances instead of our attitudes and personal actions in the face of those circumstances. In today’s readings from Deuteronomy and the Gospel of Mark, we are reminded that grafting God’s precepts onto our hearts is the only way that we can...
The systems, constructs, and algorithms of our lives offer us an illusion of fulfillment. Jesus' teachings from the sixth chapter of John's Gospel challenge us to seek deeper, spiritual truths rather than the immediate gratifications of this life. Join us as we explore the tension between human desires, the illusions...