The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham is a co-editor and contributor to the forthcoming volume Contemplation and Community: A Gathering of Fresh Voices for a Living Tradition. The book is being published by the Crossroad Publishing Company. Grace Church will hold a special Sunday afternoon reading, signing, and conversation on Sunday,...
Hello from our happy, joy-filled and deliriously tired Pilgrimage family! What a trip! Despite major travel delays on both ends of our trip, this has been a week marked by the assurance of being exactly where the Lord wanted us. Ecclesiastes 7:14 says "In the day of prosperity be joyful,...
Our pilgrims made it safely to Scotland and settled in on Iona late Tuesday evening (their time). They have disconnected a bit with technology and communication in order to more fully experience time with each other and enjoy the beauty around them.
Well, today didn’t go exactly as we had planned...but we were right where the Lord had planned for us to be. Through several flight changes, delays and cancellations, we spent the day waiting through severe weather at the Atlanta airport. A very kind United gate agent spent several hours helping...
From Sunday June 23 through Sunday June 30 nineteen of our youth and their leaders will be making pilgrimage in Scotland and the island of Iona. This pilgrimage is possible because of the entire parish committing to partner with our youth for the past eighteen months. In a very real...
UPDATE 5/30/19: There are not enough participants to move forward with the therapy group at this time. Look for information about a possible group forming this fall. Tara Goetz, LPC at 360 Therapy, will lead an Internal Family Systems Therapy Group at Grace Church on Tuesdays* from 9:15 – 10:45...
Come share in the May 19 Gathering! Our last Gathering was a glimpse of what it would be like to build a study group together as a community. We moved away from the “typical” book club where you only discuss one book, and we wondered what it would be like...
One of the particularities of parish priesthood is the dynamic of a sabbatical, an intentional time of rest, renewal, and study that the Church expects us to take. After six years in a particular parish, each full-time priest is allowed to take a three-month sabbatical break. Traditionally, there is a...
Anglicanism Through the Lens of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty I wanted to send this note out now to gauge interest in a possible pilgrimage trip to London to explore Anglicanism. One way to approach our practice of faith is through the lens of what philosophers have long described as the...