An Invitation to a Holy Lent I didn't grow up observing Lent. Well, in some ways, many aspects of life were "lenty" you might say, with a strange pressure to be watchful, but there wasn't an intentional season or practice that supported the deeper questions I always carried in my...
Often Lent is thought of as a time that we give up something that is hindering our relationship with God. But, there are seasons of Lent when we feel God calling us to find a fresh perspective or add a new practice to our spiritual routines. Here are some resources to consider...
Stuart and Cynthia invite you to spend Lent with them this year, in a special Sunday Forum beginning February 11, exploring the image and promise of the prophetic imagination. We should name out loud that this is a tumultuous year for us as a country and, indeed, as a world....
The teacher survey is now closed! The information gathered will help the Rev. Brandon Nonnemaker discern next steps for the continued development of our programming for children and youth.
The parent survey is now closed! The information gathered will help the Rev. Brandon Nonnemaker discern next steps for the continued development of our programming for children and youth.
Grace Church builds its mission around restoring all people to unity with God and with each other in Christ. We care about relationships and the call to embody Christ’s love in the world around us. One way we can do that is through participating in Sacred Ground. Sacred Ground is...
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2, with an invitation to observe a holy Lent. After what feels like two full years of Lent, during this season we thought Lent might be a good time to focus on Wellness and Wholeness. How are we taking care of our hearts?...
While exploring Matthew Fox’s book Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic–and Beyond, we recognized how our conversations continually returned to the way our image of God affects and shapes our image of ourselves and one another. Of course, our images of God and ourselves and others are...
Greetings friends, We hope this finds you well. You recently received a letter about our stewardship campaign, reminding each of us of our commitment to being a part of a Christian community grounded in faith, hope and love. As we discern next steps as a parish, we want to hear...
Given where we are these days, we felt it important to remind the parish of how we are offering both in-person and online spaces for Christian education and spiritual formation this fall. We recognize that some folks feel comfortable coming to the campus while others want to remain at home...