CE Update The Parenting class will not meet on Sunday, March 31. Ecumenical Service & Lunch At noon each Wednesday in Lent, we gather with members of other churches in our community for worship and a light lunch. (Suggested donation is $5.) First Presbyterian Church will host the service...
It has been our custom, for over 10 years now, to gather with members of other churches in our community for worship and a light lunch at noon each Wednesday in Lent. The gathering rotates among the participating churches and Grace Church hosted on March 20. An audio recording of...
One of the particularities of parish priesthood is the dynamic of a sabbatical, an intentional time of rest, renewal, and study that the Church expects us to take. After six years in a particular parish, each full-time priest is allowed to take a three-month sabbatical break. Traditionally, there is a...
Sunday Forum for Lent Please join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM in the parish hall during Lent to explore Forty Days - a Lenten series by The Work of The People. Using this beautiful video series, we are reading a series of poems about Lent and Holy Week designed...
When I was a child, it was quite clear to me that God was an old white man who sat on a cloud. He—and it was always He—had made the world and then slipped away to monitor from a distance. He had very good eyesight or a very strong telescope...
Anglicanism Through the Lens of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty I wanted to send this note out now to gauge interest in a possible pilgrimage trip to London to explore Anglicanism. One way to approach our practice of faith is through the lens of what philosophers have long described as the...
Art Show Opening Reception Join us for coffee and dessert at the opening reception of the Grace Member Art Show on Wednesday, March 20 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. The show, which will feature a variety of artistic mediums; including paintings, mixed media, photography, and fabric and 3D art to...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from Sunday, March 10, 2019 - the First Sunday in Lent. The Rev. Dr. Park gave the homily, which begins at about 26:40....
Daylight Saving Time It's time to Spring Forward! Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 10. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Sunday Forum for Lent Please join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM in...
Dear People of Grace, I love Lent. I look forward to it each year, because I think sometimes we need permission to be a bit more intentional in our practice of faith. It is so easy to slide into some sort of normal routine where we become less and less...