We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full services from Christmas Eve, the Feast of the Nativity, at the link below. Holy Eucharist & Children's Pageant Holy Eucharist, Rite II Midnight Mass for The Feast of...
Christian Education Classes Christian Education classes will not meet on Sunday, December 29. Prayer Yoga Prayer Yoga will not meet on December 30. Join us on Mondays when we start back up on January 6. Chair yoga meets at 2:45 and flow yoga at 3:45. Get more information and register....
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from the Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 22, at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Park gave the homily, which begins at...
Christmas Eve There will be three services at Grace on Christmas Eve, December 24. The 4:00 PM service will be family-friendly, with the children's pageant as the Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion to follow. A musical prelude will begin at 3:30 PM and music during the service will...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from the Third Sunday of Advent, December 15, at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham gave the homily, which begins at...
I walked in the nave last week to see the arrangements the Flower Guild had put up for Advent and Christmas, and it brought the biggest smile to my face. Each year, I am amazed at the gifts and dedication of the Flower Guild team, as well as the attention...
Advent Lessons & Carols The parish choir will offer Advent Lessons & Carols on Sunday, December 15 at 6:00 PM. This beautiful service, and Anglican tradition, is meant to help us prepare for Christmas. Scripture will be read and Advent carols will be sung by the choir and congregation. Join...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from the Second Sunday of Advent, December 8, at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Park gave the homily, which begins at...
Join Us for an Advent Quiet Day Join us for an Advent Quiet Day at Grace Church on Saturday, December 14 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. A variety of activities will be available to help us in the journey through Advent. The cost is $10, which includes lunch. The...
We are pleased to be able to provide audio recordings of selected worship services held at Grace Church. Listen to the full Rite II service of worship from the First Sunday of Advent, December 1 at the link below. The Rev. Dr. Stuart Higginbotham gave the homily, Open Your Eyes,...