After Jesus and his disciples left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then...
Evensong Join us for a Choral Evensong at Grace Church this Sunday, January 28, at 4:00 PM. Sung at the close of day in Cathedrals and churches all over the world, Choral Evensong focuses on the ancient practice of singing evening prayers. The congregation listens, joins in the hymns, and...
Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit,...
Stuart and Cynthia invite you to spend Lent with them this year, in a special Sunday Forum beginning February 11, exploring the image and promise of the prophetic imagination. We should name out loud that this is a tumultuous year for us as a country and, indeed, as a world....
Vestry Election Online voting for the 2024 vestry election continues and we will announce the four new vestry members at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 4. The eight nominees this year are: Sue Bowron, Kimberley Boyd, Chip Branch, Steve Carlson, Nan Carvell, Ashley Dillingham, Cheryl Kelley, and Gary Lawrence....
From time to time, I love being able to give an update about how funds from the Discretionary Fund are used in the life of the wider community. This fund is available for immediate needs, and parishes establish them as a means for the rector to use with the staff,...
Registration for the 2024-2025 academic year began Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 8:00 AM. Enrollment is now closed for classes Pre-Toddler thru 3s. Only Pre-K Enrollment remains open. If you have a child who is not eligible for Pre-K in 2024-2025 but would like to be enrolled, please fill out...
After John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew...
Vestry Election Online voting for the 2024 vestry election is open and we will announce the four new vestry members at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 4. The eight nominees this year are: Sue Bowron, Kimberley Boyd, Chip Branch, Steve Carlson, Nan Carvell, Ashley Dillingham, Cheryl Kelley, and Gary...
Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus son...