The Rev. Dr. Brandon Nonnemaker joined the staff at Grace in 2023 as the Associate Rector for Children, Youth, and Families. Brandon has a keen eye toward the importance of education and formation across all age groups. He also has a deep sense of spirituality and an intentionality in the way he engages and nurtures the life of community. In addition to developing the full spectrum of classes and fellowship opportunities for young people and their families, Brandon shares fully in the worship and pastoral life of the Grace community.
He is a recent graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary and was ordained to the priesthood in June 2023. During seminary, Brandon served as seminarian and deacon at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Arlington, VA and as a chaplain intern at Asheville VA Medical Center and Episcopal High School (Alexandria, VA). Prior to answering the call to ordained ministry, he received his doctorate in music education and had a career as a public school teacher.
Brandon and his wife, Mallory, have twin sons, Fletcher and Finley.