Worship Schedule

Sunday 8:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I
Sunday 10:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
nave & online: Facebook/website
Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Compline
online: Zoom
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Eucharist

Sunday mornings at Grace

Find Us

The Grace Church nave is located at the corner of Washington Street and Boulevard in Gainesville, Georgia.

The parish office, open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, is located at 422 Brenau Avenue. Come to the red door that faces Brenau Avenue and ring the bell for access.

Mailing Address: 422 Brenau Avenue, Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: 770-536-0126

Driving Directions & Parking

Email Clergy & Staff

Concert: Lux

Sunday, January 26

Grace Church Friends of Music welcomes treble chorus, Lux, on Sunday, January 26 at 4:00 PM. From the Latin for “light,” Lux was born out of a need for beautiful treble music to bring light into this difficult and sometimes dark world.

Concert is free; a reception will follow in the parish hall.

Their concert program, entitled Kindred Spirits, draws connections between past and present. It brings listeners on a journey that will leave them asking, “What type of life do I hope to live? What legacy do I hope to leave behind? How will my connection to the people around me and the world I live in push me to live a life of love, truth, joy, and grace? One full of friendship, sacrifice, and richness.”

Emily Allison and Ashley Conway, Conductors
Benji Stegner, Accompanist

Things to Know

Location, Parking, Wayfinding

Grace Church is located at the corner of Boulevard NE and Washington St SE in Gainesville. map

Parking is available in two lots located off Brenau Avenue, with handicap spaces in the lot at the corner of Brenau Avenue and Boulevard. Free street parking is also available.

You may enter through the main church doors facing Boulevard (directly under the bell tower), though our St. Francis Garden (handicap accessible) at the corner of the Brenau/Boulevard corner parking lot, or via the small stairway at Washington Street. Click here for an interactive map of parking and entrances.

Greeters and/or ushers will be available to welcome you to Grace Church, offer assistance, and answer any questions you may have.

For Your Comfort

Assistive listening devices are available for those who are hearing-impaired. There are also cushions available to make the wooden pews a bit more comfortable. Please ask an usher.

Please give us a call at 770-536-0126 if there are questions we can answer about the concert at Grace Church!

This program is part of the Grace Church Friends of Music  2024-2025 series.