I am excited to share that we will have a new forum with John Cromartie on Sundays, January 7, 14, and 21 during the 9:30 AM class time, in the Parish Hall.
The class is titled “The Spirituality of Beginnings” and will focus on core theological questions: how do we understand the biblical roots of violence? How can we reclaim a focus on the incarnation in our lives? How can we understand the call to human flourishing? John will draw on insights from the Gospel of John, the Prophet Isaiah and theologians who speak eloquently to these core questions we face in our lives today. We hope this class invites a balanced, theological, biblical, and poetic pathway for new beginnings and flourishing at the beginning of the year.
Beginning this month, we will begin using ‘Children’s Message’ which is a reproducible component of Whirl Lectionary Sunday School for Children’s Chapel. Each week’s Children’s Message aligns with the lectionary and includes a variety of activity choices to meet the children’s needs. Children will be hearing scripture from a Story Bible that aligns with each week’s message and will be working with pre-reader worship bulletins. This will provide a clearer sense of purpose for children’s chapel: a space for children to participate in the liturgy of the Word at their own developmental level.
We welcome more volunteers! If you think you might be interested in teaching or assisting with Children’s Chapel, please see or email Father Brandon.
Worship in the Episcopal Church can be a whole-body experience. We sit to listen. We stand to sing. We stand or kneel to pray. Or maybe our bodies ask that we remain seated…either way, every Sunday, our worship encourages participation of our full selves.
Are you interested in participating in worship in a new way and learning more about our Episcopal liturgy?
As part of the Christian formation experience, children and youth are encouraged to serve as acolytes to assist clergy and other worship leaders with our worship services—this includes carrying torches, the cross, Gospel book, offering plates, and more.
If your child or youth is interested in becoming an acolyte or learning more, contact Father Brandon.
All parishioners are encouraged to attend the Annual Parish Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church on Sunday, February 4. Join us in the parish hall from 9:30 – 10:30 AM to hear key reports of parish business and enjoy a continental breakfast.
Voting for the vestry election will begin next week, and we will announce the four new vestry members at the meeting on February 4. The eight vestry nominees this year are: Sue Bowron, Kimberley Boyd, Chip Branch, Steve Carlson, Nan Carvell, Ashley Dillingham, Cheryl Kelley, and Gary Lawrence. You’ll be able to learn more about them in next week’s newsletter.
Happening 79: February 16-18, 2024
High school students, registration for Happening 79 is now open! Happening is a spiritual formation retreat for high school students at Camp Mikell. The attendees participate in camp activities and small groups as they’re encouraged to deepen their relationship with God and others. Students can only attend Happening as a candidate once. Students who have been to Happening are welcome to apply for team, helping lead the weekend for other retreat attendees.
New Beginnings 47: March 1-3, 2024
Middle school students, registration for New Beginnings 47 is now open! New Beginnings is a spiritual formation retreat designed for middle school students at Camp Mikell. Camp activities, small groups, skits, music, and fellowship are led by a team of high school students, chaperones, and parish and diocesan staff.
High school students and adults, team applications are also being accepted.
Reach out to Fr. Brandon if you have any questions.
The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Sautee-Nacoochee, will be screening The Philadelphia Eleven, a movie about the First Ordinations of Women to the Priesthood, on Sunday, January 7 at 5:00 PM. All welcome.
Look ahead to upcoming opportunities for prayer, worship, and community!
This post highlights events and news of the parish. For full news, we invite you to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter.