Tuesday, March 4
The youth of Grace cordially invite all to the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in the parish hall on Tuesday, March 4 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. This year we will also be playing BINGO!
The youth will be setting up, welcoming, serving, and cleaning up afterwards and a team of adults has volunteered to do the cooking. This annual fundraiser helps support our youth program and pilgrimage, so tips will be welcomed and much appreciated!
Reservations are required. Cost is: free for children age 5 and under, $5 for children and youth age 6-18, and $10 for adults. Submit the form below no later than Thursday, February 27 to reserve your place (and so we have a count prior to purchasing supplies).
There is no nursery offered during the pancake supper – the whole family is invited!
So, join us for this party with plenty of butter and fat and sugar before you put it all away on Wednesday morning to begin your Lenten devotion.
We are no longer accepting reservations for the pancake supper.