Who is truly wealthy or truly blessed? Do convenience, comfort and self-sufficiency distract us from our deeper connection with and reliance on God? The Sermons on the Mount and the Plane, a mission trip in Jalango, Dominican Republic, and time in a hospital with a child suffering from dehydration, ask us...
On this bonus episode of Glimpses of Grace, Brandon, Meg and Stuart explore the theme of fire, both in recent liturgical texts and personal significance. They discuss destruction, purification, redemption and comfort, house fires, learning to swim and whether buck urine "really brings 'em in." The Glimpses of Grace podcast...
Who are your people? We understand ourselves and others by the groups we belong to and the ones we don't. God calls us to venture out into the deep water, challenging our assumptions and understanding, to discern our true vocation, and to belong to the body of Christ. The Glimpses...
This sermon explores the theme of God’s refining fire, drawing from Malachi’s prophetic vision, the steadfast faith of Simeon and Anna, and the incarnational presence of Christ. Like embers that hold both the memory of fire and the potential for rekindling, our faith is shaped through God’s transformative work, burning...
Amidst heightened political tensions and uncertainty, we are challenged to use spiritual muscles that may not be familiar to us. How do we stay grounded together as we strive to bring compassion, peace and mercy as we stretch toward God's vision for our world? The Glimpses of Grace podcast is...
This sermon draws parallels between the meticulous work of a vintner and the transformative grace revealed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana. Through the imagery of vines, soil, and the crafting of fine wine, it invites us to reflect on God’s abundant grace that turns emptiness into fullness and...
When we reflect deeply on Jesus's baptism, we see just how far God is willing to enter into our lives, saturating our lives with the Divine Presence. In this Presence, we see that our entire life is the place of our spiritual transformation and wholeness. If this is the case,...
In a world shaped by fear, power, and insecurity, Herod's fear of a child born king contrasts with the magi's journey of wonder. As they follow a star, the magi reveal the profound truth that God's glory is found in the unexpected and ordinary. This Epiphany, we are invited to...
We know the story of the life of Christ as relayed by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In the Gospel of John, however, we find a much more poetic and imaginative view of Christ's birth and life, and we're called to see God's presence within the hearts of every living being....
Christmas Season offers us an opportunity to reflect on how the Incarnation transforms every aspect of our lives. What does it mean that the Source of all Life incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ? How do we experience the truth of the Incarnation in every moment of our lives?...